All Episodes

Displaying episodes 121 - 150 of 163 in total

It's all about the updates

In this episode, we discuss PPP, taxes, winding down an old company, what types of optimizations are good for the customer, and more.

The first 100 customers for a B2C company

This week, we talk about how a B2C company should go about acquiring its first 100 customers. Rick is shifting his focus towards growth, and he needs to decide how to ...

Marketing during a recession

This week, we talk about how to market during a recession. When people aren't buying new things, what can you do to get yourself in front of the right people so that t...

Attracting and compensating operating partners

This week, we discuss what Rick can do to give his early employees a share of the upside without giving away equity

Building remote culture

This week, we talk about how to facilitate building and strengthening relationships between coworkers at a remote company

Dealing with impatience as a founder

This week, we talk about how a founder or manager can deal with impatience. When you have a vision and it's taking longer than you'd like for it to turn into reality, ...

Optimizing a customer service team

This week, we talk about how to enable a customer service team to spend as much of their time on high-value conversations that really help customers, and less time on ...

Writing a startup manifesto

This week, we discuss how and when to write a manifesto for your startup. What are the reasons to write one, who should the audience be, and what can you do with a man...

Coronavirus and the stock market crash

This week we take a break from our normal deep dive topics to talk about current events. Between the coronavirus and the stock market volatility, a lot has been happen...

Industry-specific marketing

This week, we talk about how to segment your total audience and design a marketing campaign for a specific industry

Raising non-dilutive funding for your startup

This week, we discuss options for funding a business without dilution (i.e. giving up equity). From pitch contests and grants to consulting on the side, we walk throug...

Running one-on-one meetings with employees

This week, we talk about how to structure periodic meetings with employees. How often should they be, what format should you use, and what are the objectives?

Structuring your time to maximize productivity

This week, we're going to talk about how to structure a week in a way that allows you to spend your most productive time on your most important work.

What programmers can do to help with marketing

This week, Rick gives Tyler some advice on how to make the most of his work retreat. Specifically, Tyler is a programmer who wants to build tools to help the marketing...

How to acquire customers in the early days

This week, we talk about one of the most fundamental issues that every startup faces: how to acquire customers in the early days. Rick has validated his idea for Legup...

Building a simple financial model

This week, we discuss financial models. What are they for, what should be included in them, and how sophisticated to they need to be for different types of businesses?

What it means to startup to last

This week, we go all meta and discuss what "startup to last" actually means. Why did we name the podcast this, and what characteristics do "startup to last" companies ...

Onboarding a new hire

This week, we talk about how to offer a great experience during a new hire's first few weeks. Tyler is about to have a new employee start, and he's looking for ideas o...

Looking back at 2019 and forward to 2020

Because this is the last week of the year, we're going to summarize what happened in 2019 and set goals for 2020.

Delivering awesome customer service for a low ARPU product

This week, we talk about how Rick can use customer service as a differentiator for his new company despite the fact that he won't be making much money per customer

Planning a marketing site redesign

This week, we talk about redesigning Less Annoying CRM’s marketing site. Tyler's company just finished a major redesign of the app, and now the marketing site doesn’t ...

The role of emotions in business

This week, we talk about a topic that Rick is researching for his book: how can emotions help and hurt business leaders?

How to balance building new features vs. maintaining existing ones

This week, we talk about how to balance competing goals when it comes to product development: how much time should you spend building new features vs maintaining old o...

Should you consult on the side while launching a startup?

This week, we talk about whether or not it makes sense to use consulting revenue to bootstrap a business. If so, what's the right way to split time between consulting ...

How to price and position your second product

This week, we’re joined by Ben Orenstein, co-founder of and co-host of The Art of Product Podcast. We discuss how to think about offering a second product to...

Getting beta testers to use your product

Rick is almost done with the prototype of one of his new product ideas, and now it's time for him to get people to start using it. This week, we talk about getting use...

How to get job candidates to accept an offer

Tyler is in the middle of a recruiting cycle and he'll start giving job offers soon. This week, we talk about what he can do to to increase the odds of candidates acce...

How to know when a product is minimally viable

This week, we talk about how "viable" an MVP actually needs to be before you can stop building, and start selling.

How to improve a customer referral program

This week, we talk about how Tyler can get his customers to use his company's referral program so that it's easier to track word of mouth growth.

Resetting stakeholder expectations when things change at your business

Change is a given at every business and organization. This week, we discuss how you can get all the stakeholders on board when circumstances have changed, and expectat...

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